To inspire the global advancement of social and cultural causes through

the legacy of Farah Pahlavi’s guiding principles of

empathy, positive thinking and championing of cross-cultural dialogue.

The Shahbanou Farah Pahlavi Foundation is a non-political nonprofit organization building on the original The Shahbanou Farah Foundation established in 1976 in Iran. It was to serve as the umbrella body for all cultural, reseach organisations and programs her Majesty was involved with. The goal was to keep Iran’s cultural heritage alive, encourage new creative and artistic endeavors, expand public access, even in rural areas, to cultural events and venues as well as educate people, especially the younger generation, about Iranian and world culture



    Programmatic initiatives drawing inspiration from the Shiraz Arts Festival , a unique platform for bridging cultures and creating dialogues.

    • Exhibits and events exploring the richness of Persian and Portuguese culture

    • Programs leveraging the foundation’s art collection

    • Partnerships with cutural institutions

    • Future art prize


    More than showcasing books and artworks, the ambition is to connect resources and resource centres all over the world for researchers and curators to draw from.

    We also aim to create events and public programmes to bring people together to see, hear, and learn.

    • Art collection

    • Archive & Digital stacks

    • Library

  • RESEARCH (Academia & Science)

    To promote the understanding of
    history, culture, science and nature.

    • Research and Education grant

    • Visiting Scholars
      and Scholarships

    • Partnerships


    Issue driven forward thinking for
    the world today and future
    including social and economic
    challenges, environment and
    sustainability, technology
    disruption and trends

    - Leading from the front
    - Spreading solutions that work
    - Sustainability
    - Advocacy
    - Sportsmanship